Conferences and fairs
3D-nano as an innovation leader seeks to continuously participate in trade fairs and conferences. Such events allow us to learn about the latest trends in advanced technologies, and to present our offer to potential customers.
In 2017, 3D-nano has participated in numerous scientific conferences on nanotechnology.
Below are the most important of which we have been partnering with:
- Doctoral Symposium of Nanotechnology NanoMat, 19-20.06.2017, Łódź
- 6th Eurepean Young Engineers Conference, 24-26.04.2017, Warsaw
- Multiscale Phenomena in Molecular Matter Conference, 3-6.07.2017, Cracow
- XVI Conference on Electroanalysis in Theory and Practice 1-2.06.2017, Cracow
- InterNano Poland Conference, 22-23.06.2017, Katowice
NanoTech Poland is the International Nanotechnology Conference in Poznan, this year our Company had pleasure to be an Exhibitor during this event. Well organized and excellent choice of topics, caused that we came back to Cracow enriched with new information about nanotechnology.
June 14th our team had pleasure to take part in International Exhibition of Economic and Scientific Innovations in Katowice. Our participation wasn't ending on being the exhibitors, as fact one of our engineers gave a speech during InterNano Poland Conference about his research and 3D-nano activites
Our team had the opportunity to participate in IDTechEx Printed Electronics Europe Conference in Berlin. Present of international companies with various area of research, allowed us to explore the full spectrum of technologies currently used in Printed Electronics.
From 18th to 20th of March 2015 our company was one of the exhibitors at the EuroLab fairs organized in Warsaw. EuroLab is a specialist event addressed to the laboratory sector.
28th and 29th of May 2015. 3D nano sponsored Conference ,, Electroanalysis in Theory and Practice '' organized at the Center for Computer Science at AGH in Cracow.